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Field of sunshine - snappy
We’re in a field of sunshine and this bouquet undoubtedly confirms it! Filled with whimsical pink roses and bright yellow gerbera daisies, this bouquet automatically takes us to summer days full of brightness and joy. But what makes this bouquet extra special are the vivid hues of green shades coming from various fillers. Perfectly round, green heads with unique textures and looks are a charming addition to pots and any floral arrangement. To make sure your flowers will last for as long as possible, they're shipped from our farms as fresh buds and will arrive with care instructions, which will allow them to bloom perfectly 2 - 3 days after delivery. Flowers are here to elevate your life, make this bouquet yours today!
Each bouquet’s flower selection and stem count will vary every other week offering you the freshest, most seasonable blooms available.